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Teaching Staff


Cultural policy/administration and intercultural relations

Contact Hours: Monday 16:00-18:00

Dimitrios Sotiropoulos


Contemporary Political History

Contact Hours: Thursday 10:00-12:00

Theodoros Cekos


Public Administration

Contact Hours: Thursday 14:00 – 15:30


Data Analysis, Modelling and Machine Learning

Contact Hours: Monday and Thursday 08:00 - 09:00


Administrative law

Contact Hours: Monday 10:00-11:00


Information Technology with emphasis on Distributed Network Management and Information Systems

Contact Hours: Thursday 14:00 – 15:30

Catherine Kastaniotis


Health Services Management & Evaluation

Contact Hours: Monday and Wednesday 18:00-20:00

Assistant Professor

Economist with specialization in Information Technology

Contact Hours: Thursday 14:00- 15:00

Athanasia Triantafylopoulou

Professor Emeritus

Development Institutions of Local Government

Contact Hours: Thursday 13:00-15:00


George Nokas

Special teaching staff

Information Technology

Contact Hours:

Special teaching staff - PhD candidate

Providing support for the teaching of the course Public Policies of the European Union

Contact Hours:

Georgia Marava

PhD candidate

Providing support to the teaching of the course Strategic and Operational Planning as Public Policy Tools

Contact Hours:

Διοικητικό Προσωπικό


Eleni Zisimopoulou

Secretarial support

MSc Secretariat

eLearning manager

Technical Support for E-learning

Anthony Kargadouris

Technical Support for Promotion & Communication

Website and Social Media support

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