General Presentation of the Postgraduate Programme of Studies entitled "Public Administration and Local Government"

The Department of Business Administration and Organizations of TEI of Peloponnese organizes from the year 2018-2019 a Postgraduate Programme of Studies entitled “Public Administration and Local Government (Institutions, Policies, History)”.

This Programme is an essential continuation of the Governance and Development Direction of the Inter-institutional Master’s Degree Programme “Entrepreneurship and Governance”, which was successfully co-organized by the University of Peloponnese and TEI of Peloponnese during the period 2015-2018.

The Postgraduate Programme of Studies awards a Master’s Degree in “Public Administration and Local Government” (M.Sc in Public Administration and Local Government).

Academic field of study
The cognitive object of the M.Sc. is the interdisciplinary study of the complex administrative phenomenon, both at the level of the central state and that of the various levels of local government, in the Greek example primarily, always integrated in its European context, as well as the understanding of the contributions of democratic, effective and efficient local, national and EU governance to an intelligent, sustainable and socially balanced development.
The interdisciplinary approach applied, combining the in-depth study of various disciplines of administrative science, political science and institutional history through specialised courses, together with applied research leading to a thesis, aims to provide specialised knowledge and skills preparing graduates who will be public sector employees or seek a career in the public sector, to develop their subject matter and contribute to their service with expertise in the field.

For the award of the degree (M.Sc.), the duration is set at three (3) academic semesters. The first two include coursework and the third includes the preparation of a thesis.

Language of the programme
The language of instruction of the courses and of the thesis is Greek.

Tuition fees
The tuition fees for the MSc are set at 3.450 € per student. Students who meet the income criteria of article 35 of the Law of Cyprus. 4485/2017 (Government Gazette A 148), as applicable, and in a percentage not exceeding thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the MSc.

Objectives of the programme

The subjects of the Postgraduate Programme are:

Interdisciplinary study

An interdisciplinary study of the complex administrative phenomenon both at the level of the central state and at that of the various levels of self-government, in the Greek example first and foremost, always embedded in its European context.

Deepening Concepts

understanding the contributions of democratic, effective and efficient local, national and EU governance to smart, sustainable and socially balanced development.

Teaching approach

The interdisciplinary approach applied, combining the in-depth study of various disciplines of administrative science, political science and institutional history, through specialised courses.

Research Objectives

With applied research leading to a thesis, it aims to provide specialised knowledge and skills preparing graduates who will be public sector employees or seek a career in the public sector, to develop their subject and contribute to their service with expertise and new organisational culture.